"Cease conceiving of education as mere preparation for later life, and make it the full meaning of the present life."
- John Dewey
PhD The Pennsylvania State University
​2009 - 2014
Department of Communication Arts and Sciences
Dissertation: What’s in a Number? The Rhetorical Nature of
Numbers in War
Specialties: Rhetoric Criticism and Theory, War Rhetoric, Democratic Deliberation
Advisor: Dr. Jeremy Engels
Committee: Dr. J. Michael Hogan, Dr. Stephen Browne, Dr. Matthew Jordan
MA The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
​2007 - 2009
Department of Communication
Specialties: Political Communication, Rhetoric
Advisor: Dr. Scott Althaus
BA The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Department of Political Science
BS The University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Department of Media Studies
Awarded with Honors
Penn State
The Rhetoric of Social Movements, Dr. Hogan
Rhetorical Criticism, Dr. Browne
History of Rhetorical Criticism, Dr. Engels
Pedagogy, Dr. Johnstone
Violence, Language, and Aesthetics, Dr. Engels
Close Textual Criticism, Dr Wilson
Origins and Development of Rhetorical Theory, Dr. Johnstone
Design, Research, and Writing in Rhetoric and Public Address, Dr. Hogan Theories of Society I (Sociology), Dr. Sica
American Political Behavior (Pol Sci), Dr. Plutzer
Theories of Society II (Sociology), Dr. Sica
Social Contract Theory (Pol Sci), Dr Christman
Rhetorics and Technology (English), Dr. Selber
University of Illinois
Rhetorical Criticism Methods, Dr. Finnegan
Political Economy of the Media, Dr McChesney
Campaign Messages and Strategies, Dr. Althaus
Making the World Wireless, Dr. Sandvig
Race and Mass Media, Dr. Dixon
Persuasion Theory, Dr. Quick
Introduction to Communication Research Methods, Dr. Shumate
Presidential Rhetoric, Dr. Murphy
Political Communication, Dr. Althaus
Rhetoric of Publics, Dr. Finnegan
Freedom of Expression, Dr. Ono and Dr. Nerone